Monday, May 9, 2011


Word of Advice: NEVER EVER work 24 hours in a 25 hour time period. The sickness (the one I got at Stagecoach) came back and then you just lose track of time and space.
I am still waiting for all my credits to transfer. I can't wait to start planning all my classes :] And to move out of my parents house again. I love my family but I like being on my own as a grown up. I will miss my mom/best friend being available in person 24/7.

My and Chase's one year anniversary is next month and he is taking me to Disneyland :] This is amazing because Disneyland is my favorite place EVER and the Little Mermaid Ride will be opening two weeks before we go. She is my favorite princess. My mom keeps looking at me funny because I am so overly joyous. Poor Chase has only been to Disneyland once in his life and he has to go with the Disney Freak. He is going to be running after me like a dad chasing his two year old. "Oh lets go get a fast pass! Now lets ride this ride! YUMMM CHURROS! Chase?!! Where'd you go?!!"

I cannot wait :]

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Really Need To Start This Up Again

I have been so insanely busy since my last post (I got the job and work insane hours!!!) that I have pushed my blogging into the back of my mind. What made me want to write this is I read on a blog. I know s(he) will know its about her/him. I love her/him dearly and I don't think words will ever explain how much I care for you and how I would do ANYTHING for you. I know you get down sometimes and you just want someone to talk to and I am here for you (this goes to anyone! i like to help people feel better). You even told me that i probably am the one that knows the true you. I will NEVER be to busy to sit down and talk to you no matter how stupid you may feel. Or you can write it to me in a letter or email, whatever makes you feel the best. You are an amazing person :]

Now that i got that out of the way....
My job is insanely stressful but I love it.
I can not wait til I move in September. It will be a whole new adventure and I cannot wait :] Especially because I will be experiencing with my best friend/bf AND I will be living with one of my other best friends :] I can not ask for more :]
I am still saving up for a new car that can handle the snow.
I got a calling in my church, I make the Programs :] It's actually really fun. I love doing things like that.
I went to Stagecoach (a country music festival in California) this weekend. It was AWESOME! Thanks for making me go M. I didnt get to go the second day though because i got super sick so i slept in a hotel all by my lonesome :[ oh well the one day was totally worth it
I love you all :]

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Third Time's A Charm!

I finally filled out the paper work and started shadowing someone today! I was so excited that nothing got in my way this time. The person I shadowed tonight was awesome and I am super excited to have this job. Hopefully tomorrow goes just as well as tomorrow :]
After work I was able to fill out my application for the apartments I will be living in when I move up to Idaho. I am soooo excited to be living with one of my best friends. She's amazing and is the one that called the missionaries to have them come talk to me. I think I am going to save that for Sunday's post since I am going to be giving a talk about that at church. I am soooo (there I go again with extra letters) nervous about that. Chase (that is my boyfriends name I am not going to be calling him C anymore) and his hilarious brothers will be staring at me, probably making faces, which will make me crack jokes and look disrespectful. oooooooo joyyyyyyy. I think mama chase is coming though to keep the boys in check :]
Anyways, all was good in this hood today! Hopefully I can start posts about funny things my brother says (he's 5). I will leave you with a little teaser:
                                      Brother: I can't wait until I am a teenager because then I can do P90X
Ohhhh the things kids say gotta love 'em!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Job Hunting

So in my last post I said I would catch everyone up with my ever so long job search. When I first decided to move back home, I decided to apply at C's job. He works with mentally disabled adults whom need help to live on their own. Awesome right? I can help someone and make money SCORE! The boss told Chase I will totally be hired and that she was going to call me in two weeks!!! I was super excited. Then she never called and I could not get a hold of her. I was bummed because 1) I really wanted this job and 2) that was two weeks of my time I could have found a different job!!! I went to a couple more interviews then on Valentine's day we ran into C's boss when we were out at lunch. She told me to come in the next day to fill out papers and go through orientation. Ironic right? or fait. Well, C gets a call at 5:30 am from the boss telling him to tell me that we needed to reschedule because some serious work drama was going down. Ugh I thought it was never going to end!!!! I talked to her this morning though and I am supposed to be going in tomorrow so I am very excited!!! Wish me luck that it sticks this time!

Have any of you ever experienced a hard, drawn out job search?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Well Hello There!

So this first post is going to be totally random and I am just going to write the first things that come to mind so bear with me.

I have been on the job hunt for three weeks now ugh! (I will save that for it's own post) So I have become addicted to reading blogs, especially wedding ones. Woman are so nifty these days! So I decided to try this out myself, maybe I will like it who knows right? Well I moved home to my small town that I grew up in. Why would you move from beautiful San Diego to a small hick town when you are twenty and loving college you may ask? Well I am transferring to BYUI! Yup, I converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I LOVEEEEE it. (I tend to add letters to show importance). So much so that I am transferring to freezing cold Idaho to go to one of their schools. I will share my conversion story later. Sheesh so much I must catch everyone up on! I am ahead a semester so I decided to move home until fall to save money! Anywaysss I am 20 years old, have a serious relationship with an amazing boyfriend (we'll call him C), and I love my larger than life family (Both parents remarried) Have any questions?Just e-mail me or leave a comment! I am going to try my best to keep this thing updated with my ever so exciting life :]